Cupping: A luxury?

Today I got cupping done. It hurt and I knew it would make things better so it was really worth it. I saw a medical massage therapist who does cupping. This is a real thing in case you don’t know: if you need a massage or bodywork done and you have a chronic condition or … Continue reading Cupping: A luxury?

OCD Representation in Fargo: Odis

I’ve been watching and enjoying Fargo Season 4 (even if arguably it’s not the best season) and after a few episodes I realized that one of the main characters had OCD. I wasn’t sure what to think of it at first. Was Odis going to be a figure of fun and mockery? Were they going … Continue reading OCD Representation in Fargo: Odis

Celebrate International OCD Week by Writing Your Representatives! $cweb(function(){ $cweb('#congressweb-websticker-1').congressweb({ url : '', responsive : true, isWebsticker : true }); }); Join me and write to your representative today on these really important bills that improve our access to treatment!